made for online music teaching
Designed specifically for music
doozzoo includes a number of music applications (audio player, metronome, recorder, etc.), integrated as smart mini-apps in an intuitive interface.
made for online music teaching
The doozzoo platform creates a new kind of relationship between teachers and their students by enabling online music lessons at a high artistic level directly in the browser.
doozzoo centers music and teaching, and perfectly complements face-to-face lessons.
The browser-based app provides excellent rendering of live playing and singing, and boasts special features that facilitate and simplify the workflow of online music teaching.
What is doozzoo?
doozzoo is a video conferencing platform specially designed for music lessons. Teachers meet with students in a virtual space specially designed for remote AND face-to-face lessons.
Can I learn to play the piano with doozzoo?
Yes, when you use it together with a real teacher.
You want to take remote lessons in parallel with those given at your music school but your teacher doesn’t know about doozzoo? Just point the teacher to this website!
What do I need?
doozzoo is a very simple solution that doesn’t require any installation, as it runs directly in your browser. This means you can use it on different computers without having to configure your settings and student profiles every time. The best results are obtained with Google Chrome and Firefox browsers, and with Safari on iPad and iPhone.
Of course, you need a musical instrument. This may be a Bechstein :-) or perhaps a guitar, your voice or another instrument that you teach, or are learning to play.
In any case, we recommend using headphones and a microphone as they optimize the rendering of the sound produced by acoustic instruments.
Is a VARIO system required for my piano?
No, this is not a requirement. However, we are developing new features that will optimize doozzoo for VARIO users.
How much does doozzoo cost?
The monthly fee for teachers (also called “coaches” in doozzoo) varies according to the number of students taught. The fee for five students, for example, is €14.95, i.e. €2.99 per student per month.
As doozzoo sessions are not time-limited, you can give or take lessons for as long as you can stay awake :-).
The subscription can be cancelled at any time and will run to the end of the month. Conservatories benefit from special conditions and a central administrative level.
What is local latency compensation?
The local latency compensation developed by doozzoo eliminates latency when playing to a metronome or an audio file. This makes it possible to have online music lessons without timing-related distortion, which sets doozzoo apart from conventional video conferencing applications.
Professional sound?
Yes, since doozzoo works by default without the acoustic filters and sound processing algorithms that impair sound quality. Nor does the system use a voice enhancement filter, as they enhance only speech, and not the sound of musical instruments.
The result is a true high-end sound in stereo.